Spa 105 San Antonio
1st Location: Manicure
4835 McCullough Ave.
2nd Location: Majestic Massage Building
14855 Blanco Road, Ste. 204
Call or Text for appointment (210) 291-9912
Back To School Special
15% Off 1 hour massage or 1 hr facial. Valued at $110 or more. Book Appointment NOW! Offer expires October 10th.

Let Your Guest or Employees Experience an Invigorating Chair Massage
Spa 105 San Antonio
San Antonio, Texas 78212
210 291-9912
On-Site Chair Massage for Conventions, or Special Events

We provide on-site chair massage therapists for all types of businesses. Special events, corporate events, parties, schools, and offices.
Call or email today for your quote for your special event. Our therapists are highly trained certified and insured.
Chair massage is great for stress management - a way to keep employees happy, healthy and productive.
A 10-15-minute chair massage has many therapeutic benefits:
Increases alertness and improves productivity which decreases job or academic stress.
Reducing stress lowers the number of lost work days and also reduces medical and disability payments.
Reducing stress lowers employee turnover and also eases the task of recruiting new workers.
Aids in reducing pain, soreness, and flexibility.
A low-stress work environment is more fun to work in.
Massage has been scientifically proven to decrease stress levels, improve the immune system and overall increase wellness.
Chair massage can be a big draw and hit at your next special event.
You can make regular massage part of an ongoing employee wellness program by visiting your offices weekly, monthly or however as often you like.
Offering massage makes your employees feel appreciated and feeling good about themselves and your company.
We provide massage/spa services for:
Hotel Conventions
Special Events
Spa Parties for Teens
Student Destress Day
Trade Shows
Employee Appreciation
Athletic Events
Our highly trained certified and insured massage therapists, and skin care specialists (Aestheticians), practice professional therapeutic massage modalities.
Spa 105 San Antonio
San Antonio, Texas 78212